Friday, September 5, 2008

The existential predicate and the acquisition of information.

You are reading this; or you may be looking outside, listening to your music, or doing any other activity as we can go on for hours and days... But, you are processing the events of the moment. This is the simple activity that we are interested in on today's post.

As we learn new information from our various senses, information is never forgotten (perhaps misplaced), that information is stored in a non-volatile memory location in our CNS. This process, continues throughout the span of our lives. It is not the memory that we are concerned with however, rather we must be interested in what it is that our CNS does with the information gathered.

Consider each synaptic moment to be a write and read cycle, thought will not differentiate itself, for if thought were to then no new thoughts would ever exist, and we would be limited to a distinct potential set by only our input. Thought does, on the contrary, allow us to consider implications of situations or possibility's that would be absurd in the known realm of the universe that we operate. Hence, there is no bound on the imagination.

Although this may be precisely that same story that our mind told us that can be true. It is not, and the following will help convince you that it may not be.

Suppose that each synaptic moment we gather a well defined set of information, this may be restricted to our senses for a human, but beyond that we can think of other sensor's which may capture events in a situation. This array of information must be immediately stored in acted upon with those other past information that was collected. To do this, we must apply combinatorics so that every possibility of the situation may be represented. Note: this is purely a conservative case supplying the ideal situation, in a mind one may need to ponder an idea to generate the same effect.

Thus, with this operation acting on every object of our input array, we build a stronger complete view of that same input data set. And, from this we can then see the possibilitilities for a given situation (SAT).

We will continue, and I will continue to unleash this journey. Although, at the moment this is much of the writing that I get done. I am using the majority of my time to focus on school work and cannot diverge far from the topics...